Chrome Extension seems broken

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser


I am on a Dell XPS 13 running Windows 11. I use Chrome as my browser and have the 1password chrome extension (v2.9) installed. I noticed that the autofill wasn't working. It wouldn't suggest new passwords, autofill old ones, etc. even though I had it turned on:

I wasn't using the most recent version of Chrome, so I updated Chrome and relaunched my browser. That solved the autofill issue, but now the chrome extension is just appearing as blank boxes, both in the autofill on other websites

And in the 1password that pops up in chrome extension itself:

Also the icon doesn't appear where it normally does at the top of the screen. Instead there is a blank space:

I checked for updates to the 1password extension but I don't see anything. Is this a known issue? Does anyone know how to resolve it?

Thank you!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.9
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hey @Jason135432314322,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with 1Password in your browser. This is definitely not the expected behaviour or something that I'm familiar with. Can you start with the steps below:

    1. Right click where the 1Password icon would show in your browser toolbar and choose 'Settings' (if possible)
    2. Disable the setting that says 'Integrate with 1Password app'
    3. Give your computer a restart and test to see if things work as expected.
    4. If you do not have the 1Password desktop app installed leave the integration setting disabled.

    Let me know how this goes!

  • Jason135432314322
    Community Member


    Very sorry for the inconvenience, but it seems like my issue has fixed itself. Not sure exactly what happened, but I noticed that I got a notification on my 1password Chrome extension saying that it had updated to v2.10, so perhaps that solved the problem. Thank you for your suggestions though!


  • On behalf of Steph, you're welcome. Let us know if we can assist you further.

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