Feature Request: Shared password with "check-out" function (PIM)

Community Member
edited April 2023 in Business and Teams

Not sure if this has been requested before, but would like to have shared "passwords" (or whatever) in a shared vault, where the password is not available/visible until the individual user has "checked it out". While it is checked out no other user can get the password and the person who checked it out is logged.
The user can check it back in when finished using it, and this then allows others to use (get) the password. (or configurable options around this for each individual password)
I.e a "check-out" functionality to keep two+ people from using it at the same time and track who's using it when. So simple privileged Identity management.
This simple functionality can be added to with functions like, alerting the currently holder of the password by others that they need to use it, automatically changing the password with each use (with api hooks to change the password at the "source") rendering the previous password useless, so maintaining control to logged individuals, etc. Lots of functions that can be added to this.

Or have I missed some functions to do this!?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_max
    edited May 2023

    Hi @BShade,

    I appreciate you taking the time to share this unique request. At the moment, all items stored in a vault can be accessed by anyone with the Allow Viewing in 1Password Teams or View and Copy Passwords in 1Password Business.

    There doesn't exist functionality similar to the "check-out" concept, so I'll be happy to pass this along to the appropriate team for consideration. If you have any additional feedback or suggestions, I'll be happy to pass those along as well.

    Edit: If you can share more about your use case and any problems this would solve for your team, this would help our Product team better understand and potentially address this in the future.

    ref: pb-32792756

  • BShade
    Community Member

    HI. Thanks for passing this on. This is about two main things really. Knowing (audit and security) who has and is using a password (or whatever) where the password is shared (and cannot be made individual) and where possible (via api hooks) changing the shared password each time it is used to maintain security, so the password is never know by more than one (known) individual.
    Happy to discuss more if needed.

  • ag_max

    Excellent, thanks for sharing those extra details that I can pass along.

This discussion has been closed.