Input box of password has id userpassword and autofill is not working

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Hey all

I know in an older version 1Password it was possible to change the form data but I dont find this in 1Password 8 anymore (besides many other stuff).

Now I have the problem that autofill of a input box which has the id "userpassword" is not working. I probably imagine that 1Password 8 can only autofill input boxes with the id "password".

What to do with this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited April 2023


    Have you tried manually creating a new entry? 1Password is more adept at catching the needed details now. If not, one of our team may be able to help. Please let us know how it goes. Can you share the site in question?

    Save a login manually in your browser

  • hcschaef
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    @ag_tommy thank your for the fast response. I tried again to create a new entry but still the password stays empty on autofill.

    If I create a new entry, also the password field stays empty and the actual password is put into an additional password field:

    If I keep it like this or add the password to the password field has not affect on the autofill.

    The site is the login page of my Zyxel router in my network. I did also noticed that the password will be removed from the input box as soon also you click in it again after entering.

    Here is the html of the username and password div:

    <div data-v-161e09a8="" id="Login-login" class="container-fluid padding-large">
        <form data-v-161e09a8="" class="form-login form-small formbox loginbox">
            <h5 data-v-161e09a8="">Login</h5> 
                <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="form-group ">
                    <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="row">
                        <label data-v-161e09a8="" for="username" class="col-12 nopadding">User Name</label>
                        <div data-v-a8844a60="" data-v-161e09a8="" class="zyinputBox col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-10 nopadding">  
                            <input data-v-a8844a60="" data-outline="" type="text" id="username" errorinline="true" placeholder="" maxlength="32" autocomplete="off" class="form-control  form-control-lg">
                    <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="memo"></div>
                <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="form-group last-rows">
                    <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="row">
                        <label data-v-161e09a8="" for="userpassword" class="col-12 nopadding">Password</label>
                        <div data-v-311a916d="" data-v-161e09a8="" class="zypasswordBox col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-10 nopadding">
                            <input data-v-311a916d="" maxlength="128" maskctrl="true" data-outline="" id="userpassword" type="text" autocomplete="off" errorinline="true" class="maskPassword form-control  form-control-lg">
                            <input data-v-311a916d="" maxlength="128" maskctrl="true" id="userpassword" data-outline="" type="text" autocomplete="off" errorinline="true" class="unmaskPassword form-control  form-control-lg" style="display: none;">
                            <i data-v-311a916d="" id="userpassword_maskCheck" class=" icon-visibility-on"></i>
                        <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="memo"></div>
                <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="clearfix"></div>
                <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="btnbox ctext">
                    <button data-v-161e09a8="" id="loginBtn" type="button" class="normalbtn disabled" disabled="disabled">
                        <span data-v-161e09a8="">Login</span>
                        <div data-v-161e09a8="" class="bg-block"></div>
  • @hcschaef

    Try the following.

    1. Move your password out of the additional field up to the one below the username. Save. Remove the other field password field. * Optional leave it for now.

    Input in the website field. You may need to add one manually. 🔧 Customize your 1Password items

    * Image uses a default IP not the one you use.

  • hcschaef
    Community Member
    edited April 2023


    My entry looks like this:

    But sadly not autofill except the username:

    Both on Chrome and Safari as well as on iPhone the same

  • @hcschaef

    Let's try this a little differently. Put the password back into the additional field and remove the original password. Being sure to change the name of the password field to "userpassword" (without the quotes). If this is not fruitful you might try sending an email into where one of my colleagues on the extensions team can look into this in more detail. They can also get a bug report filed on your behalf if one is needed.

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