Feature Request: Make Searching Specific Vaults Easier


If you're a business like ours, we have 70+ vaults. Can you please make it so when you click on a vault, the search only searches that vault (without having to type "=vault:" or hitting control-F (you also have to hit control-F three times before you can start typing).

If I click inside a vault, I don't want to be searching all other vaults and I shouldn't have to complete several more actions to do this. UX 101 is not making the end user take numerous actions to complete one simple step.

Searching is simply horrendous in 1Password 8 -- searching in a vault is the livelihood of our business.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_max
    edited March 2023

    Hi @spencerbyork,

    I appreciate you providing your feedback. I'll go ahead and share this with the team internally for consideration. You mentioned using search filters, which is currently the best recommendation for locating items within a specific vault (Ctrl/Cmd + F). I know the team is working to improve 1Password 8 with each release, so your feedback should help them in this task.

    ref: pb-31701139

  • djimenez
    Community Member

    Would be nice to instead of having to use these filters, you would add some sort of pill in the search bar with the name of the vault you're searching in. It would be similar to filters but a much simpler/nicer UI.

  • ag_max


    Thanks for including your feedback for improving search. I'll go ahead and share this with the team as well.

This discussion has been closed.