Possible to use multiple managers on same device?

Community Member

I work for a voluntary organisation. Our support is generally conducted via personal PCs/tablets/smart phones of various favours. Some of the team use their own flavour password manager - not necessarily 1 Password. Is it possible/practical then to use two different password managers on the same device? If so - how would that work?


1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: 2.10
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:share pw managers


  • ag_max
    edited May 2023

    Hi @NickOg,

    First, when using a shared device, it won't be possible to add two users from the same family, team, or business account within the 1Password application and browser extension. Because that's the case, you and colleagues you are sharing the computer should consider using your own device profiles:

    You can set up your own user accounts on the shared computer (recommended). With your own user accounts, you'll each be able to set up the 1Password app and browser extension with your own account. Here's how:

    With your own user accounts, you'll each be able to set up the 1Password app with your own account.

    To your direct question, 1Password isn't designed to coexist with other password managers, so you may experience conflicts and issues when attempting to fill and save passwords when other password managers are enabled. It's our recommendation to disable other password managers and rely fully on 1Password. If that isn't possible using separate device user accounts on each computer will help with your use case. I'm unaware of the ability to create separate user profiles on mobile devices, so you may have to temporarily disable the other password manager(s) via settings in order to fully rely on 1Password when you're actively using one of those devices.

  • NickOg
    Community Member

    Thanks for the fast reply. I will look at that more closely but your last para is clear enough but not what I hoped for :).

  • ag_max

    Happy to assist. If our team can be of any assistance in the future, please let us know.

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