Password history is not saved correctly on MacOS

Community Member
edited May 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

When change password for a website using 1password suggested password, and update 1password entry using the Updating existing item in 1Password popup modal, the password stored as the previous one in password history is the same as the new password, and the actual old password is lost.

The old password can still be recovered in the item history on, but the password history is just wrong.

1. On a website, follow proper steps to change password.
2. After filling in current and new password (and confirmation), 1Password shows a popup modal to Updating existing item in 1Password.
3. Click Update button in the modal to update stored password in 1Password.
4. In 1Password app, find the entry and click View password history and inspect the previous password.

O: the previous password is the same as the current password
E: the previous password is the old password and typically should not be the same as the current password.

If the password is updated in the 1Password app directly, the history is saved correctly.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: macOS 11.7.2
Browser:_ Chrome


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