1Password for Safari window closes after unlocking


Recently, 1password extension for Safari annoyingly forces you to click the extension Icon 2 times in 1Password is locked, resulting in a worsened UX. I think it started happening quite recently, so I attribute that to 1Password for Safari 2.10.0, but I'm not 100% sure - it may be that the regression has been introduced in 2.9.0.

Expected behaviour:
I'm presented with matching credentials without needed to click extension icon.

Actual behaviour:
I need to click extension icon twice.

Steps to reproduce:
2. Ensure 1Password is in a locked state
3. Visit page with known credentials
4. Click 1password extension icon.
5. "Open 1password" prompt opens for unlocking 1password with a fingerprint.
6. Put your finger on the fingerprint scanner. Wait for 1password to be unlocked.
7. Observe that 1password unlocks but then closes immediately. You need to open it again to get the credentials filled in.

I've recorded a short video that demostrates the issue: https://youtu.be/sjlLj2Ur_tg

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: macOS 13.3.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pamelus thanks for the video. It was really helpful. I recall seeing a similar issue in the past, but I believe it was fixed. I have not been able to reproduce the behavior myself. Just to check, does this behavior occur consistently or is it intermittent? Do you have any other extensions in your browser and if so, does disabling those extensions improve the behavior? Do you use 1Password in any other browsers, and if so, does the behavior present itself there?

  • pamelus
    Community Member

    Hi @Joy_1P, 1password is the sole Safari extension I use (and actually ever used).

    The behaviour is consistent - happens each time 1password is locked and I want to unlock it. I also use 1password in Chrome and Firefox:

    • In Chrome it just work as expected (extension version 2.10.0)
    • In Firefox it also forces me to click extension icon twice (extension version 2.10.0). There is a slight difference in behaviour though: in Safari, the "Open 1Password" window is visible until I unlock and only then disappears. In Firefox it disappears almost immediately (it just blinks and goes away). I've recorded another video to demonstrate that: https://youtu.be/I8CreUSNL98

    Also, I haven't used Firefox for a while now and when I initially checked, I had extension version 2.3.7 and I could reproduce the issue. After upgrading to extension version 2.10.0 it is still consistently reproducible for me.

    I've tried uninstalling 1password extension for Safari, then restarting my mac and then installing it again, but the problem remains.

  • Dave_1P


    Thank you for the detailed report and for the screen recordings. I can reproduce the same behaviour as you in both Safari and Firefox on my own Mac and I've filed an issue with our developers so that they can investigate this further. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that 1Password in the browser's behaviour has caused here and hopefully we can fix this in the future.


    ref: dev/core/core#11440
    ref: dev/core/core#21758

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