"Microsoft was used to sign into google.co.uk" - What does it all mean?


Theres a pinned forum post about this

Aswell as a blog post

But they don't seem entirely relevant to what Im seeing here...

I was browsing around on the Microsoft Support site, and clicked an internal link (again to Microsoft Support)

Suddenly 1Password Chrome extension pops up with this..

I have zero idea what 1Password its trying to tell me.
Why is it even logging into Google when Im browsing the MS site?
What is 1Password going to do if I click save?

The forum and blog posts suggest this feature was added to make things more user friendly, but I think it's the complete opposite... it's so opaque and confusing, which is exactly what I don't want for a password tool.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: Arch Linux
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @carpii,

    I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'm sorry for the confusion, I agree that the behaviour you are seeing does seem a little strange and I'd like to investigate it further.

    Are you able to reproduce it if you revisit the Microsoft site? If so, could you provide me with the exact steps you are taking including the URL to the page you are on when the notification appears so I can try to replicate it on my end.

    Thank you in advance!

  • carpii
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles

    Thanks for getting back to me. At the time I reported this, I was able to reproduce it every time over several days, but now I can't reproduce it at all.

    The MS Site is now showing 'Microsoft was used to log into Microsoft' (instead of google.co.uk), which makes a lot more sense..

    My software hasnt changed... 1Password Version: 8.10.4, Chrome 1Extension: 2.10.0
    I can only assume it was a glitch with the Microsoft site, or possible a bug in Chrome itself

    Either way, I can't reproduce anymore, so consider this closed


  • Hey @carpii,

    Thank you for getting back to me, please do let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

    I hope things are smooth sailing from here on!

This discussion has been closed.