Search Activity Log for email addresses used with Share

Community Member

We were recently informed of a security incident that affected someone who works with us on a project. They weren't in our 1Password team, even as a guest user.

I was asked to check if anyone had shared any items to their email address.

I can filter Activity Log to just "Shared Items", and for each item I can see the email addresses the items were shared to.

However there appears to be no way to search for which items were shared to a particular email address?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_max

    Hi @leedxw,

    At the moment, the Shared Items filter in the Activity Log is the only way to retrieve shared item events, which contain the item that was shared, who it was shared with (either the email(s) or a mention of Available to anyone with this link, depending on which selection was chosen), and who viewed it, with the number of views included adjacent to each email. You're correct that there isn't currently a way to filter or search events pertaining to a specific email.

    I'll be happy to pass this along internally as a feature request so our team can consider addressing this in the future. Let me know if you have any additional requirements about the type of interface or functionality you'd like to see.

  • leedxw
    Community Member

    Ideally I'd want something that addresses the scenario: if we become aware that an external email address (or domain) may have been subject to a security compromise, we'd like to see which items have been shared with the address/domain in order to assess our own risk. (eg which credentials may need to be changed.)

  • ScottS1P

    Hello @leedxw,

    Thanks for sharing your use case with us. It's not something 1Password currently offers, but I'll share your feedback with the team for their consideration. Thank you for contributing to 1Password’s evolution.

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