Qnap Login, username does not automatically fill


Hi all.. A quick search of this forum shows multiple complaints about this issue, but no solutions..

I recently moved from Lastpass to 1Password. Lastpass had no issue with filling in the username field.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:qnap


  • Hey @renders,

    You're right, our developers are aware of an issue with 1Password being unable to fill the username field on a QNAP device's login page. The reason behind it is that the "Username" field is constructed with a textarea field, rather than the normal input element which is making it tricky for us to fill.

    I have added you as an affected user to the issue, we are hoping to improve this in a future update.

    In the meantime, my best recommendation is to copy/paste your login information to the site. Another option is to Drag and Drop your login details. The Drag and Drop feature is supported with the 1Password in the browser as well as the desktop app.

    I'm sorry for the disruption, let us know if you have any questions.

    ref: dev/core/core#2400

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