Search for Login Info for Financial Accounts Within Financial Management Returns No Results

Community Member

Using the Mint app on iOS, trying to link a financial institution account. When the login prompt for the financial institution appears (in this case, American Express), I tap the "Passwords" and I enter "American Express" (or some combination of American or express) and no search results populate. If I go the 1password app directly, I'm able to find the account and copy and paste it, but it's continually frustrating that I can't do it within the pop-up search.

1Password Version: 8.10.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16.4.1 (a)
Browser:_ Mint App
Referrer: forum-search:finding financial institution passwords within mint


  • GreyM1P

    Hi there @abrown78

    Autofilling on iOS, or when using 1Password in the browser, requires a Login item, instead of a Bank Account or Credit Card item. This is because the username, password, and website fields aren't included in the Bank Account item template by default. Even if you add them later, they aren't "anchored" to the top of the item like they would be in a Login item. This means they aren't able to be offered for autofill.

    For situations like this, you can link the Login to your Bank Account/Credit Card: Link related items in 1Password. As we mention on that page (emphasis mine):

    1Password lets you link related items together to stay organized. You can link:

    • credit cards and bank accounts to the Login item for your bank
    • a photo of your passport to the Passport item you already have saved
    • any item you want to find quickly when searching for a related one

    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions or would like any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • abrown78
    Community Member

    Sorry if I wasn't clear. The entries in 1password are login items. They're the username and password stored for the financial institution websites.

  • GreyM1P


    The entries in 1password are login items.

    Ah, OK, good. In which case, there are some things to check here:

    • is the website field of the item filled in?
    • if you open the app you're trying to autofill into on your iPhone and tap the "🔑 Passwords" button on the keyboard when you tap a password field, do you see SUGGESTIONS FOR [EXAMPLE.COM] in the header of the 1Password pop-up?
    • does the website field of the item match the one mentioned in the Suggestions For... header?
    • can you autofill the item correctly if you go to the bank's website, rather than using their app?

    If all of those things are correct, then it might be that 1Password has been set to only suggest Logins from a certain account or collection, rather than everything. Here's how to change that back to default, if that's the case:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Tap the account and collection chooser (the icon in the top-left corner) and choose Settings...
    3. Choose the AutoFill section.
    4. Change "Show filling suggestions from" to All Accounts, and tap Done in the top-right corner.

    Chances are that the item isn't complete, or it's sitting outside of 1Password's scope when it offers filling suggestions, so try those things above and let me know how they work for you.

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