Global keyboard shortcut to lock 1Password

Community Member

I have configured custom keyboard shortcuts as follows:

All work as expected, except the "Lock 1Password", which only works if the 1Password window is the foreground app and currently has the focus. I would expect this to work even if 1Password is currently minimized to the Taskbar. What I'm hoping for is a global, quick keyboard shortcut to lock 1Password before I walk away from my PC. Ideally I don't want the extra step of opening it first, to then lock it.

It would be much appreciated if you could add this important security feature.

1Password Version: 8.10.6
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Chrome


  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @prlcutting, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback! As you've noticed, at the moment, the Lock 1Password shortcut is not global, so will only lock 1Password when either the desktop app or your browser are active and focused. However I can definitely understand how being able to quickly lock 1Password from anywhere else on your device would be useful, and I've gone ahead and filed a feature request with our product team on your behalf, including all of the details you've provided here.

    If you have any further suggestions or feedback, let me know 😄

    ref: 33109460

  • Ekalb
    Community Member

    Everyone has their own way of working.
    Personally when 1Password is minimized in the systray, I lock it with two mouse clicks using its icon.

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