Notifications for items soon to expire

Community Member

Hello 1Password community!

We are considering using the "API Credential" template which includes a "valid from and expires" fields so that we can store the base64 version of our SSL certificates. We've confirmed that we can see in watchtower that "something expires soon" and this is great! But it's not a notification.

Here's our questions:

  1. Are there plans to create notifications about expiration soon?
  2. Is there a way for us to programmatically query 1password watchdog for items that have an expiration and build our own notification system (cron job/scheduled task script)?
  3. Expanding on point #2, what kind of reports can I send out to people from watchdog that don't require people to login to 1password? I'd be curious to report "password age" for example.

Thank you so much!

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_max
    edited May 2023

    Hi @rwillgo,

    I'm not aware of any plans right now to introduce new notifications for expiring items, though I'll be happy to share this with the rest of the team for possible consideration. The domain breach report, which relies on the domain search database, allows you to send out email notifications to affected users. However, this does point users to either join the team's 1Password account if they haven't already, or sign in.

    As for question 2, I recommend contacting our Integrations team to see if they have a proper solution for this creative idea.

    You can send them an email at from your account's registered email address so they can continue the conversation.

    After you have sent the email, feel free to post the ticket number you receive so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.

    ref: pb-33118958

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