Red Cloud "Try to reconnect" and nothing happens,

Community Member

I'm running Version 8.10.6 on Windows 11 Pro.

When I launch 1Password the file opens but it does not sync. So anything I've done on my mac isn't there. After a few seconds the red cloud icon with the slash through it appears along the top bar. Hovering over it gives the "try to reconnect" text. Clicking on it showing a small windows that says "reconnecting" for about 20 seconds. "Offline, changes won't appear on your other devices until 1Password reconnects"

I've tried turning firewalls off, (and back on) as well as disabling the windows security features. No luck there either.

1Password Version: 8.10.6
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: Windows 11 pro 22621.1702
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:Try to reconnect


  • 1guyinOhio
    Community Member

    addition. I saw another post linking to the list of domains to whitelist and the port.

    I've added the domain, but I can't find any instruction on any forum or youtube video explaining how to whitelist domains for an app.

  • 1guyinOhio
    Community Member

    Possible fix... turning off IPv6 in the LAN adapters properties seems to have solved the problem.

  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @1guyinOhio, thanks for reaching out! I understand that 1Password 8 was stuck in an offline state for a while, but turning off IPv6 seems to have solved the problem. When this was occurring, were you encountering IPv6 connectivity issues with any other apps on your device as well, or only 1Password 8?

  • 1guyinOhio
    Community Member
    edited May 2023

    There were two others. But up until I noticed 1Passwords issues, I had thought each was an isolated item. But once I had all 3 and confirmed that I could run my macbook off the same ethernet line without any of the issues (well... 2 of them) that pretty much confirmed that it was a network setup issue on the Windows 11 Pro machine.

    The first was Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 would not finish loading at startup. The progress bar would get to a certain point and just hang. This happened pretty much 99% of the time. The only sure fire way around it was to disconnect the network cable. Then it would finish loading in, but you'd be without network features.

    The other, was the website. (as well as some, but not all other similar bandwidth test sites) The site loaded, but the speed test wouldn't be able to show the upload speed. Download, ping, latency were all fine. Even for up. But the upload speed was zero.

    I had found someplace buried on a speedtest thread about iPv6 being the issue and to turn it off. And now it works.

    While I'm very experienced on computers, I've been a professional VFX animator for years, I'm not a programmer and I don't know much on networking. I have no clue what iPv6 is compared to iPv4. Or if this is going to hurt me someplace else in the future. So far, everything is running fine.

  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @1guyinOhio, apologies for the delay in our response here! As this was affecting other apps and websites on your Windows device as well, it does sound as if there was an issue with your IPv6 configuration. I'm not really able to advise further here however, as network troubleshooting isn't my forte, and goes a little out of our scope - I do apologise.

    If you encounter any further issues with 1Password, don't hesitate to reach back out, and we'll be happy to investigate further 😄

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