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1Password changes item "created" date imported from LastPass, for *some* items, not others

Community Member
edited May 2023 in Memberships

I recently imported some old items from a LastPass vault using the 1Password app direct import method. The majority of items seemed to retain their original created dates, and all retained the modified dates from LastPass. After editing some of the items, I found that 1Password was showing a "created" date of the import date/time for about 1/3 of the items I imported. Modification date is not affected. I found items with the wrong created date in my primary vault and moved to other vaults. Some items were edited (by me) in the app, while others were not. Some were quite old, some relatively new. The affected items don't seem to have anything in common.

Any ideas what would cause this?

I plan to try importing at least some of these items again, but that will make a lot of work since you get the whole LP vault.

Is it possible to import to a vault other than the Primary vault?

1Password Version: 8.10.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.6.6
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @saguaro

    I'm sorry to hear about the inconsistency you've experienced with the creation dates of imported items. This issue is not common, and as such, might need some deeper investigation.

    Here are a few things that might be causing this:

    • An inconsistency in the data format between LastPass and 1Password: It's possible that during the import process, there may have been some sort of data conflict or inconsistency that resulted in the creation date being reset for some items.

    • An error during the import process: This could have been a minor glitch during the process that affected a random set of entries.

    Regarding your question about importing directly into a non-primary vault, the import through the 1Password app always defaults to the primary vault. However, after the import, you can move the items to another vault.

    Before you try reimporting, ensure you're using the latest version of both LastPass and 1Password. If reimporting doesn't solve the issue, I recommend reaching out to our 1Password support directly. That way we can assist with more advanced troubleshooting. You can email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question.

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