Can't import from Last Pass as lost 2 factor code


I've set up on my Lenovo laptop and Galaxy Android phone. I had a 2FV code, but didn't keep a note of it. That means I can't import my passwords from Last Pass. Also, the "help" info suggests I click on my name on the RH Side and select Profile. There is no option Profile and my name is never more than in the middle of the screen. Please advise.

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:missing verification code


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dave99t, sorry to hear about the troubles you've encountered. Just to check, are you being asked for a 2fa code from the 1Password side of things or the LastPass side of things?

    As for the help info, could you let me know if you're looking at a specific guide? Are you trying to log into your account at to make changes to your account settings?

    I apologize for the many questions, but I'll be able to help further once I get more details. I look forward to hearing back from you.

  • dave99t
    Community Member

    Hi, Joy,
    Your single question has solved my problem! I needed to provide an 2FA for accessing Last Pass not 1Password. It makes perfect sense now. Thanks very much. Dave

  • Hey @dave99t,

    That's great news, on behalf of Joy you are most welcome.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

This discussion has been closed.