How do I export metadata from Logins (Specifically tag data)

Community Member
edited June 2023 in Windows

I've got hundreds of logins saved in 1Password, and it can be tough to find a particular login, if I've forgotten the title that I've given to that login. I solve this problem by tagging all logins with a tag that allows me to group like information, thus reducing the number of possible matches to my search. To do this, I'll need to apply a tag to all of my logins, so that I can group them, and in some cases, I have applied multiple tags. I would like to export all login data, including Title, Username, Password, Tag(s), and URL(s).
How can I accomplish this?

1Password Version: 8.10.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:Export


  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @cliffm! I can confirm that both of the export formats offered in 1Password 8 (CSV and 1PUX) include tags. You can read a little bit more about which fields are included in a CSV export at the bottom of our export guide, linked below, while the 1PUX format has its own separate guide:

    It's important to note that exported data files are not encrypted, they are stored in plain text. Anyone with access to your exported data files will be able to read your passwords. Do not email exported data files or store them online, and delete them as soon as you're done with them.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know 😄

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