TicketMaster Login


Login with TicketMaster on Microsoft Edge via the dropdown overlay doesn't work or do anything. Using the autofill option on the main 1Password browser menu does work as expected.

https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/ and click sign-in/register at the top-right,

1Password Version: 8.10.7
Extension Version: 2.11.0
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Microsoft Edge 114.0.1823.51


  • Hi @benbb, thanks for contacting us!

    I've taken a look at the Ticketmaster site and it appears that the behaviour you're experiencing is related to a known issue. The site contains something referred to as a 'focus trap' which actively makes it difficult for password managers, like 1Password, to autofill login information. I've included your experience in our internal issue while our development team looks into improvements for this in 1Password.

    In the meantime, you can autofill by clicking the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar, selecting the Ticketmaster item, and clicking the "Autofill" button, as you noted.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    ref: dev/core/core#1088

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