Browser behavior of cmd-\ in 8 vs 7


I apologize, I'm sure this has been brought up, but I couldn't find anything when I searched. I just upgraded from 7 to 8, and the behavior of the new browser extension has changed dramatically.

In v7 I used cmd-\ for everything. I would open new tab, hit cmd-\ and it would pop up 1password search in the browser extension, and I would start typing a domain and hit enter when it was the top result. 1password would then go to that page and fill in the user/pass for me. It was all very streamlined, since the 1) the autocomplete of typing in 1Password is a MUCH shorter list than all of browser history (for example, typing "netw" would always be Network Solutions, because I don't have anything else that starts with that saved. In a new browser tab, I have to go much further in typing), and 2) it would always take me to the login page, since that's what's saved in 1Password.

In v8, cmd-\ seems to only be for after you've already opened a page and were at the login section. cmd-shift-space seems to open a 1password search dialog, but it's outside of the browser extension, so when i enter a site to go to, it always opens in my default browser, not my current browser.

Is there a way to have the browser extension intercept cmd-\ and behave like before? I couldn't find a way to get it to in the settings.


1Password Version: 8.10.7
Extension Version: 2.11.0
OS Version: macOS 12.6.5
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2023

    Hey @1Ryan! The Cmd+\ shortcut is indeed a bit different in 1Password 8. In general, it is meant for filling. Alternatively, it can be used to invoke Quick Access. From there, you can search for, open, and fill a login.

    If you open a login from Quick Access, your default browser would indeed be launched. 1Password will then take you to the login's sign-in form and fill your details there. I'm afraid there's not a way to change this, as the Cmd+\ shortcut is not tied to a specific browser. Instead the Cmd+\ is tied to the app itself.

    The new extension is a standalone tool, which means that it does not need the app in order to function. As a result, the extension relies on the browser's rules for keyboard shortcuts. In the browser, there are more limitations, and Cmd+\ cannot be used universally. That's why we tied the Cmd+\ shortcut to the app.

    As a workaround, I recommend changing your default browser to one that you use frequently and one that you don't mind launching to save/fill via 1Password. I know that isn't ideal and it isn't the most flexible solution, but I do hope that it can allow for you to make better use of 1Password (based on what can be done currently).

    In the meantime, I can create a feature request for the ability to have Quick Access open and fill in your current browser or a browser of your choosing. I hope that is considered and implemented down the road.

    Let us know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help.

    PB: 33902112

  • 1Ryan
    Community Member

    Ok, thanks for confirming it's not just me not figuring it out. Yes, please pass along a feature request for the browser extension to have an option to intercept cmd-\ again, this was a huge usability function.

    Thanks again,

  • Thanks for getting back to us @1Ryan.

    I can see Joy has filed a request on your behalf, let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

This discussion has been closed.