1Password CLI stopped working

Community Member

Forgive me, I'm in the middle of a setup of a new work machine, so I'm not entirely sure what caused 1P CLI to stop working. Sorry about that.

❯ op signin
[ERROR] 2023/06/10 09:07:05 connecting to desktop app: read: connection reset, make sure the CLI is correctly installed and Connect with 1Password CLI is enabled in the 1Password app

❯ cat /etc/group |grep onepass

❯ ll /usr/bin/op
.rwxr-sr-x 21M root onepassword-cli 2023-05-15 17:32  /usr/bin/op*

And the tail of the log file.

WARN  2023-06-10T07:13:05.416 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:foundation/op-sys-info/src/process_information/linux.rs:287] binary permission verification failed for /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/zsh/5.9/bin/zsh
INFO  2023-06-10T07:13:05.417 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:native-messaging/op-native-core-integration/src/lib.rs:361] Extension connecting.
ERROR 2023-06-10T07:13:05.417 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:native-messaging/op-native-core-integration/src/lib.rs:541] Failed to accept new connection.: PipeAuthError(UnknownPeer(BinaryPermissions))

Again, it used to work fine. One of the things I remember doing was changing the name of the machine in /etc/hosts. Setting it back to the way it was didn't help. zsh has been installed for days and op signin was working fine.


  • Hi @DutchDelight (great username, BTW!),

    What version of the CLI are you using? This may be related to something that has a fix on one of our latest betas, are you able to see if you can reproduce with the following: https://releases.1password.com/linux/beta/#1password-for-linux-8.10.8-24

    Thank you!

  • DutchDelight
    Community Member



    Here's the info you requested:

    ❯ dpkg -l |rg 1pass
    ii  1password                               8.10.8~42.BETA                                                  amd64
    ii  1password-cli                           2.19.0-beta.01                                                  amd64        The official 1Password command-line tool.
  • Hi!, I am suspecting we are onto this issue. We included a fix for a similar problem recently, and the next stable release for the CLI should have that, so please make sure to give that a try when it comes out.

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