Auto fill wrong password

Community Member
edited July 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Using latest Firefox to access a local http: device (Dahua IP Camera). The autofilled password is rejected. However, if I copy and paste the same password from 1password it's fine. It's a simple password for troubleshooting.

Where should I look next?

1Password Version: 8.9.5
Extension Version: 2.11.0
OS Version: Win10Pro x64
Browser: Firefox


  • EvonG1P

    Hello @Phrede!

    Thank you for contacting us, I apologize for the delay in response.

    I recommend sending an email to so that our support team can help you directly. We'd like to take a closer look at the webpage.

    With your email please include:

    After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I’ll be able to locate your message and make sure it’s gotten to the right place.

    We look forward to assisting you further,

    Kind regards,


  • Phrede
    Community Member

    I sent an email as you suggested. I then received a reply that started "Thanks for taking the time to contact us about canceling your 1Password membership..."

    I made no mention of cancelling anything. This is concerning.

  • Hey @Phrede,

    Can you share the Support ID so I can track down your ticket and take a look?

    Thank you.

  • Phrede
    Community Member


  • Thank you @Phrede.

    I can see my colleague is helping you, let's continue the conversation over email.

    ref: YTC-26497-752

This discussion has been closed.