Plain old search results page with multiple items-select to Trash

Community Member

I have imported my passwords from Google Password Manager, i had so many redundant password, some without usernames, just a terrible mess, i wanted to move everything to 1Password so i can clean them up, but for example, if I search for a domain and I get like 20 results, I have to click on each, which takes about 4 clicks to trash each single one. I expected for the very least, a plain old results page (not the autocomplete results which disappears once you click out or click on 1 result item), where i can check all, or uncheck some back, then click Trash, or ideally, multiple edit, for example if you have and and, it would be nice to search for and select whatever i want and edit their passwords in 1 paste, or something like that...

or I guess, is there another way to do this 1-time cleanup for me? some sort of a third-party tool? plugin?

1Password Version: 8.10.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS
Browser: Chrome


  • bentael
    Community Member

    i know I can probably do this in the csv/excel file before hand, but I kinda wanted 1Password's help with this. Also, I didn't want to spend 3 days doing this, my approach is more like clean-it-when-I-user-it, this way, the process would take more time, but I just clean "domains" up as I use them, the rest will wait until their times come.

  • GreyM1P

    Hi there @bentael

    When you search for something, like as you mentioned, click the "Show all matching items" option in the search dropdown, or press ⌘⮐ (Command–Enter).

    Then you'll see a list of matching items and you can hold ⌘ Command and click multiple individual items to select them. Or, you can choose a range of items ("from here to here") by clicking the first item, holding ⇧ Shift, and clicking the last item.

    When you've selected the items, you can right-click any one of them and choose Delete in the context menu.

    I hope that helps! Let us know if you have any questions or run into any trouble along the way. :)

    — Grey

  • bentael
    Community Member

    awesome thanks! don't know how I missed that!

  • On behalf of Grey, you're welcome.

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