Feature request: support 2FA for 'sign in with'-sites


I'm noticing this specifically on https://sentry.io;

  • I use my Google Account to sign into this site; and 1Password has stored that information.
  • I also use 2FA on Sentry.io, so I need to fill in the totp-code, which I've added to the item in my vault in 1Password
  • But after logging in with my Google account, 1Password only suggests that I "log in with Google", instead of filling in the totp-code.

The screenshot shows:
1. The Sentry login page with 1Password 'sign in with google'-prompts
2. The Sentry 2FA page, still with 1Password 'sign in with google'-dropdown
3. The Sentry entry in my 1password

1Password Version: 8.10.8
Extension Version: 2.13.0
OS Version: Windows 10.0.22621
Browser: Edge 115


  • Hey @Duncank,

    Thank you for sharing all of this detail.

    Our development team are aware of some issues autofilling one-time passwords from login items that use 'Sign in with' and are currently investigating that behaviour. I've added your case and insight in support of this, hopefully we can improve this in a future update.

    In the meantime, could you try the following alternate filling method?

    1. Log into the site using 'Sign in with' as normal.
    2. On the one-time password page, left click the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar, then drag and drop the one-time password into the field on the page.

    I realize this isn't completely ideal, and I'm sorry for any interruption in your workflow caused by this.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

    ref: dev/core/core#19050

  • Duncank
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles

    Thanks for following up, your suggested workaround is indeed how I'm currently logging in, so that way works fine.

    Hopefully the developers can get this fixed, so this will be as smooth as the rest of 1Password already is :D

  • Apologies for the trouble @Duncank, let us know if there's anything else we can do in the meantime.

This discussion has been closed.