Family member can't see team vault

Community Member

We just got my son his first iPhone and I've added him to our family account in 1pass. He has his own personal vault which works great (both he and I can see the items in there) but he cannot see any of the items I have put in the "team vault". I can't seem to add users to that particular vault because it says that all team members should have access. What am I missing to make sure that he has access to passwords I keep in the "team vault"?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16
Browser: Not Provided


  • @bleen18

    Have you verified your son in the family or is his invitation listed as pending? Is he viewing the vault or only looking at a specific vault in the OS? Correct, all family members should have access to the shared vault.

  • bleen18
    Community Member

    His invite is not listed as pending ... at least as far as I can tell. If I create a login in my vault and then move it to his personal vault (from my phone/macbook) he does see the new login. This tells me that he is part of our team but he just does not see anything that I move to "team vault".

  • ag_tommy
    edited August 2023

    Thanks for checking. I appreciate it. Might he be a guest on the account or is he a full member? Guest only have access to a specific vault. This might explain the situation. If that's not the issue we might need to take a deeper look and access details I do not have access to here in the community. To do that you'd need to talk to my colleagues in email support.

    Another thought is you mentioned team vault, perhaps this is just terminology, but team puts me in mind of a business. Typically, a family shared vault is named Shared.

    Could it be that there access was adjusted and they does not have view access?

    1. Select the gear icon for the vault on
    2. Is the users name shown in the people section? Beside their name do they have read access at a minimum? If not, please adjust the settings as needed.

    If none of the above is fruitful please email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question.

  • bleen18
    Community Member

    I will email, but for the record it is definitely a family account and when I click on the "gear" icon for this vault the screen looks different than all other vaults...

  • Thank you @bleen18 , we'll get reach via the ticket as soon as possible.

This discussion has been closed.