Users need to export and migrate a single vault

This discussion was created from comments split from: How to export a single vault.


  • tomrob7
    Community Member

    Hey! Where are we at with this feature request?
    We have a situation where users are going to need to migrate their personal vaults. We don't want them to download and share passwords in Shared Vaults.

    It seems like a huge security risk to provide them the ability to do that.

    How can we make so they are only able to download their private vault?

  • Hello @tomrob7,

    Thanks for asking about exporting vaults in 1Password. As you know, 1Password defaults to exporting all vaults that the user has permission to export, but there are a few options you can use to influence how the export functions.

    • If you have a 1Password Business account, you can remove the permission for a user or group to export a vault. Once this is done for all relevant shared vaults, the team member can export and shared vaults without the permission won't be included in the resulting file. See our Create, share, and manage vaults in your team support article for details on the available permissions or how to change them.
    • The 1Password app won't export vaults that are not safe for travel, if the user is in Travel Mode. Here's how to Use Travel Mode to remove vaults from your devices when you travel. The safe for travel status can be applied to any vault, including private vaults, but is global for all members of an account. Remember that team members will also need to be placed into Travel Mode, and unlock 1Password while online for the change to take effect.
    • Finally, if you are moving 1Password items between vaults or accounts, it's often not necessary to export and reimport data. Instead team members can Move or copy items to the correct vault, or a vault in another account.

    I hope this information helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

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