Cmd+\ autofill not working in Chrome

Community Member
edited October 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I had to reinstall Chrome for MacOS to fix a newly appearing "something went wrong with your profile" issue. In the process of reinstalling, of course, I reinstalled the 1Password Chrome extension.

I visited a website with a password and hit Command+. Nothing.

The password box had a 1Password icon and a "please click here to autofill via 1Password" message. Okay, fine. I accessed 1Password. It asked me for my password, I entered it, and it popped up the full 1Password page with a "would you like to autofill the credentials for this website?" offer. I said no and hit Escape to clear the 1Password window.

I was still looking at the same web page, so I hit Command+. Nothing.

I checked the Google Chrome Extensions tab - yep, 1Password is installed and running.

I checked the 1Password main app - yep, it's currently unlocked.

I checked the 1Password extension permissions - yep, it's permitted to access all sites.

I checked 1Password to make sure it's the latest version - yep, dated today, all good.

I checked Chrome it see if it's up-to-date - yes, no updates needed.

Maybe it needs to refresh. I hit Command-Q to quit Chrome and restarted it.

I revisited the same web page and hit Command+. Nothing.

This is so tiresome. Why can't 1Password reliably do the one thing that it's supposed to do?

[Removed profanity. Please remember that this is a family-friendly community -Moderator]

1Password Version: 81016047
Extension Version: 2.15.1
OS Version: Ventura 13.4.1
Browser: Chrome


  • Hey @tambo,

    I’m sorry that you’re experiencing issues filling with 1Password, and apologize for any interruption in your workflow.

    Are you seeing this behaviour on all websites, or a specific one? If it is a specific one could you share the website URL with me?

    Also, have you looked at our Universal Autofill guide for Mac? You may find some of the steps in the guide useful for setting up autofill on your Mac device: Use Universal Autofill in apps and browsers on your Mac

    I look forward to hearing back from you and assisting you further!

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