Place Suggested Site Login's in Order?

Community Member
edited August 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

When you have multiple logins to a particular domain, when you are presented with autofill suggestions, it shows all the logins.

Is there a way to prioritize the order of the logins presented?

1Password Version: 8.10.9
Extension Version: 2.13.0
OS Version: macOS 13.5
Browser: Brave 1.56.20


  • Hey @mcewanbr,

    Currently there is no way to prioritize the order that login items are shown in the inline menu. I have filed a feature request on your behalf to see if we can look to add this functionality in a future update.

    In the meantime, I suggest marking your more frequently used items as Favorites, that way they will always show at the top of the list of suggestions. Let me know if you would like me to send over the steps on how to do this.

    I hope this helps!

    ref: PB34862229

  • mcewanbr
    Community Member

    I have marked them as favorites but it still doesn't put it at the top of the list of suggestions.

  • Hey @mcewanbr,

    Can you confirm that you are referring to the inline menu list beneath a field?

    Are you able to add a screenshot to demonstrate the behaviour you are seeing? Please be mindful to hide any personal information before doing so.


  • WaitingForGuacamole

    Does marking an item as a favorite only apply to your 1Password account? I have a family plan, and I, my wife, and my mom have separate vaults for credentials that are specific to us individually. I have access to them all as the account manager, and so whenever I try to log in to, say,, I get all three of our Apple IDs. If I favorite, with my wife and mom see that as a favorite as well, or only me?

  • Hey @WaitingForGuacamole,

    If the item is in a shared vault, adding it as a Favorite will also be seen by anybody with access to that vault. If you want to prevent specific items from appearing in suggestions I would suggest moving them to a separate vault and then in your browser you can right click on the 1Password icon in your toolbar and choose Settings and then toggle off the vault that contains these items. This will only take effect on your browser and nobody else's.

    I hope this helps!

  • WaitingForGuacamole

    I appreciate the suggestion, but it doesn’t help me. I don’t want to exclude items from other family members, I wish to order, or prioritize them.

  • LydiaH1P
    edited September 2023

    @WaitingForGuacamole You can duplicate any of the items in the shared vault so your family members still have access to the originals. The duplicates can be stored in a separate vault and you can favourite them accordingly. I would reccommend disabling the shared vault in the browser extension to avoid having two of the same items from being suggested in the inline menu.

    1. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar and select 'Settings'.
    2. Scroll down to the Accounts & Vaults section at the bottom.
    3. Disable the shared vault.

    I have also filed a feature request on your behalf to highlight further interest in implementing the ability to organise the inline menu.

    Let me know if this helps!

    ref: PB35927430

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