Adding More Fields in the Save New Item Pop-Up


I was creating a new account on Amazon that I knew I would use for and also When I submitted the new account info the 1Password pop-up showed up to ask if I wanted to save the new login (or update an existing one).

That's when I noticed the web site URL can be edited, and another field 1Password put in could be deleted. But there is no way to add a new field. For example, a web site field to add another URL, or a Notes field to leave a comment. There is plenty of room to add new tags though.

Anyway, I had to go into the 1Password app and edit the login so I could add and enter a comment. I think there's room for the option to add a new field in the pop-up without making it too bloated.

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: 2.17.0
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome


  • Hey @Kyrast,

    Thank you for taking the time to suggest ways in which we can improve 1Password. I can see where you are coming from and have put in a request with our product team on your behalf to see if this is something we can look to add in a future update.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

    ref: PB36551030