2FA codes invaild - 1Password time diff?


Hey everyone,

I've been encountering an issue with my 2FA (TOTP) on various sites over the past few days. It seems that even after waiting for the next code, it's not being accepted, but oddly enough, an "expired" code sometimes works.

Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? Could there be a potential timing discrepancy with the TOTP generator?

Your insights would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a bunch!

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hey @ogamingSCV,

    In order for 2FA to work, both the website and your device need to generate the same exact 2FA code at the same time. If the website generates one that is different than yours, you will get an error that your code is incorrect.

    2FA is highly reliant on your device's clock so my first suggestion would be to check the computer's clock and make sure it is as accurate as it can be, you can check with this website: https://time.is/.

    Once you have confirmed the time is correct and if you are still having trouble let us know so we can try a different approach.

  • ogamingSCV
    Community Member

    Hey @steph.giles,

    thank you for fast the reply!

    I assumed that the TOTP was generated on 1Password's Servers, not locally.
    Then I will check my system and get back to you.

  • Thanks for getting back to me @ogamingSCV, let us know how you get on!