Default action for Enter (Return) Key


Currently, the Enter/Return key behavior changes depending on the current tab in your browser - if you're on a tab that is open to a site on the same domain as a login you are attempting to use, even if it's not for that exact site, 1Password treats Enter/Return as just Fill; if you're on a tab that is open to a site on a different domain as a login you are attempting to use, 1Password treats Enter/Return as Open & Fill.

What I would like to see is an option to have Enter/Return be treated as Open & Fill at all times. Since you all (despite repeated requests over the years) refuse to fix the domain matching mechanism to allow for exact matches only for a login (or globally), similar to what Bitwarden and a few other password managers offer, this seems like a feasible workaround that would at least help to prevent trying to fill a site with effectively invalid login credentials.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hey @SyberCorp,

    I'd be happy to pass your feedback on to our product team for consideration but first I'd like to gain a better understanding of the behaviour you are describing.

    When you are pressing enter can you let me know are you on an item within the 1Password browser extension pop up or are you using a keyboard shortcut to open Quick Access? Can you provide me with the steps you are taking so I can reproduce it on my end?

    As for domain matching, we have recently add some advanced autofill behaviour settings so you can change where a login is suggested. Here is some more information: Change where a login is suggested and filled.

    I hope this helps!

  • SyberCorp
    Community Member
    edited August 2023

    @steph.giles This is in the browser extension (any of them - it doesn’t matter which browser is in use).

    A way to see it would be to have a login item for a specific site on a domain (for example, and going to any other site on any other domain, then using the browser extension to show the login and pressing the Enter/Return key to open it. The login’s URL should open in a new tab.

    Now close all of that and instead open a tab to any site on the same domain as your previously created login item and repeat the rest of the steps above. The login URL should overwrite the URL in the open tab instead of opening in a new tab of its own.

    The advanced options for matching seem like they should finally satisfy that long-standing feature request and shortcoming.

  • SyberCorp
    Community Member
    edited August 2023

    @steph.giles I set a few of my login items to be exact domain only, however this is now making me wonder if there's a way to set the default to exact match rather than it being a one-off setup.

    Edit: I see some other users requested this already, so you can add me to their request as a vote (if that's how you determine which new features get added).

    One thing I'd like to also see with that feature, that I don't see anyone else asking for, is an ability to make the autofill be specific for the full path (not just the exact domain).

    For example, "" versus "" may have 2 different logins, so only showing a login for the exact path match would be awesome, where exact match on domain still shows 2 logins rather than only the correct/usable one.

  • SyberCorp
    Community Member

    I just noticed another issue that even this ability can't currently solve...

    Currently, this ability allows you to only show a login for an exact domain match, however if you have multiple logins for the same domain that are only separated by a specific page for each, you still see multiple logins despite setting each login to have the exact page defined in the URL (i.e., vs Normally this is not going to be an issue for most users, however it is an issue for me with certain sites I need to access such as Juniper's Mist portal, where setups are separated by which cloud region they're in. For example, if I go to I then enter my username (email address) before being presented with an option to select which cloud region I want to log into. If I select Global 01, I'm taken to; if I select Global 03, I'm taken to Obviously, those domains are different, so matching a login to the "new" path is fine, however on the initial page where I haven't even chosen a region yet, if I restrict my Global 03 login to only show on and not the root domain, it isn't an option to select on the initial page. If I tell it to show on both domains, it becomes an issue of showing on the subsequent page ( as well, which may mean accidentally clicking the wrong login and submitting the wrong (invalid/unusable for the region) password and 2FA token, where only the login for Global 01 should be shown (as it would be the only login that has an exact match for (

    If there was a way to restrict a login to only show on an exact domain AND page match, this would solve my issue.

    In case that got confusing, here's a TL;DR version: -- show both Global 01 and Global 03 logins as options -- show only Global 01 login -- show only Global 03 login

  • steph.giles
    edited November 2023

    Hey @SyberCorp

    I'm so sorry for the delayed response to your comments!

    As for the behaviour of the Enter key when you are focussed on an item in 1Password in the browser, I see what you are saying and I have passed your feedback on to our product team for consideration in a future update.

    You are totally right that is currently not possible to set a default for the autofill behaviour so I have let the team know that you would like to see this. I have also put in a request on your behalf for full path matching as, currently we only support sub domains with this feature.

    There is a known issue whereby the autofill behaviour filters do not work on items with multiple URL's. Our team are aware of this and are looking to improve the behaviour. Thank for the level of detail you have provided here I really appreciate it.

    I hope I have covered everything, let us know if you have any further questions!

    ref: 37019107
    ref: 37019193
    ref: dev/core/core#20855