Autofill behaviour oddity with hostname-only URLs

Community Member
edited October 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I've encountered an odd issue with having multiple website entries in a single 1Password item, where one of those website entries is a hostname-only URL (so missing the domain).

The autofill behaviour ends up suggesting that login for a completely unrelated system.

In general FQDNs are superior, but there are some cases (when not running a local authoritative name server, or when relying on local network search domains) where storing a URL as only the hostname of the system may be appropriate. In this case the FQDN and hostname-only URLs are stored in the same item.

It can be fixed by setting the autofill behaviour to 'Only fill on this exact domain' for both websites fields in each item, but I don't think this setting should be required on the hostname-only field in each item.

host1 website fields: - Only fill on this exact domain (Custom)
https://host1:1234 - Fill anywhere on this website (Default)

system2 website fields: - Only fill on this exact domain (Custom)
http://system2:9876 - Fill anywhere on this website (Default)

Login page on

Login page on

When visiting https://host1:1234 and http://system2:9876, the autofill options are correct and only show one item available.

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.10.16 (81016047)
Extension Version: 2.15.1 (21500107)
OS Version: macOS 14.0
Browser: Firefox, Chrome


  • Hi @ajh0912 ,

    Thank you for taking the time to report this behaviour. It appears that you've encountered a known issue that's currently being investigated by our Development team where custom autofill behaviour is not respected if an item has multiple URLs and each is set to different autofill behaviour. I've gone ahead and added your case to our internal tracker for this.

    In the meantime, you should find that setting all URLs within the same item to the same autofill behaviour (for example, setting them all to Fill anywhere on this website or Only fill on this exact domain) will allow it to behave as expected.

    Alternatively, if you duplicate an item and set each one to only have a single URL, custom autofill behaviour should work as expected.

    I understand that these workarounds may not be ideal, and I do apologize for any interruption to your workflow.

    While I don't have a timeline to provide for when this will be resolved, I recommend ensuring that automatic updates are enabled for 1Password so that you receive the fix as soon as it is available:

    Please let me know if you have any questions moving forward.

    ref: dev/core/core#20855

  • xai
    Community Member

    Is still still not implemented?
    That's really worse. Right now I am thinking about a change from LastPass to 1Password, but only because of the good 2FA integration.

    But 1Password has some strange (for me) "problems" which I don't understand.

    • Match by hostname can be set only in the entry and not globally.
    • Why is the password generator showing per default that small less secure passwords ("smart / intelligent") instead of the last chosen strong custom generator with 64 chars and so on?
    • Why does adding a new item per browser will open a new tab to website or the app without adding the current URL directly? that's so stone age style...
  • xai
    Community Member
    edited December 2023

    *is this still...

    Would be nice if editing the own comment would be allowed and not only within 1 hour.