Password autofill not working on

Options has one of those annoying split across two pages login flows (why do they do that?) and although the email address part autofills ok at the password entry page refuses to autofill at all. That's at:

(you can't access it directly unless you've previously entered a valid email address of a customer of theirs).

I can provide a valid customer email address (privately) if you wish to try it out. I can also provide the HTML or the 1PW Page Structure json if there's a particular place I can send it?

It also does the same in Brave browser so doesn't appear to be a Safari issue.

1Password Version: 8.10.22
Extension Version: 2.17.0
OS Version: macOS
Browser: Safari 17.1.2


  • Hey @snozdop,

    From checking on our end I can see that we currently have an issue opened in regards to 1Password having a hard time filling the password field of the British Gas website. I've added you as an affected user to the open issue to let our development team know you're also encountering it, I'm sorry for the disruption.

    In the meantime, I suggest either copy and pasting your password or drag and dropping it to the field.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all!

    ref: dev/core/core#25725