Being asked for account password everyday on iPad Mini

edited December 2023 in iOS
This discussion was created from comments split from: Being asked for password often.


  • Don234
    Community Member

    On my iPad with face recognition, I am never asked to re-enter my 1Password password (Over 18 characters) after powering on. With my new iPad mini with touch ID I am asked every day which is a major pain.

    Please change the software to increase 18 hours to maybe 30 days max.


  • Hello @Don234! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're being asked for your account password more often than you'd expect on your iPad Mini. Can you try the following:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password on your iPad Mini.
    2. Tap your account or collection at the top of the sidebar and choose Settings.
    3. Tap Security.
    4. Choose the desired time period for "Require password". You can even choose "Never" if you wish (but make sure that you don't forget your account password).

    Let me know if that doesn't work.


  • Don234
    Community Member

    Thanks. Your solution works. You have the most important software I use daily. A happy user here.

  • @Don234

    Thanks for letting me know that the steps helped. The team and I are thrilled that 1Password continues to play an important role in your life. 💙
