Prevent auto-fill for email sign-up input

Community Member
edited December 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

On the Best Buy website, they have an email sign-up at the bottom of the page, which is always getting populated with my email. I think have to scroll up to the top of the page to get to the sign-in. Is there a way to prevent certain input boxes from being automatically filled?

class="tb-input email-signup-input" autocomplete="off" id="footer-email-signup" name="footer-email-signup"

I have tried adding an additional website for the sign in page, and choose to disable auto-fill
"Never fill on this website" for the main page, but that doesn't seem to be working. I have also tried adding a field with blank info for it and no luck.

1Password Version:Windows 8.10.20
_Extension Version:2.15.1
_OS Version:
Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hi @Rathaul,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Are you referring to the homepage? If not, can you share the URL for the exact page on the BestBuy website where you're experiencing this, so that we can test it out?

    I should mention that while the 1Password icon may appear in a field, 1Password will not fill the field without you taking action to fill your details in the field. So, if the email sign-up field you're seeing has your email automatically filled without you having specifically clicked to autofill it using 1Password, it's possible that you may have the browser's built-in autofill feature turned on. If that's the case, can you let us know which browser you're using?

  • Rathaul
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response.

    After reading your suggestions/comments I have figured out what is happening. It is an Auto-Fill issue, but not from the browser. I'm using the 1Password search and choosing the AutoFill (never really paid much attention that it said AutoFill) to get to the site. I guess I just need to bookmark the site and use that, instead of using the 1Password search and clicking on the link.

    So, with knowing what the cause is, I have another question. Why isn't the AutoFill Behavior being recognized for the site? When I choose AutoFill from the search, is that overriding my options for the site?

    I have two websites added for Best Buy:

    Thank you.

  • @Rathaul

    Thanks for the reply. Autofill behaviour rules apply to the subdomain and domain, not the subdirectory:

    In the URL that I posted above, the subdomain would be A and the subdirectory would be B. You can read more about autofill behaviours here: Change where a login is suggested and filled

    Regarding, I've reproduced the same issue that you're seeing and reported it to our development team. Hopefully we can prevent the username from filling into the newsletter field with a future update to 1Password.

    For the time being, I recommend that you remove the current website addresses that you've saved for BestBuy and use this one instead which will allow you to open and fill directly into the sign in page:

    Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂


    ref: dev/core/core#26824

  • Rathaul
    Community Member

    Thank you for the update.

  • @Rathaul, on behalf of Dave, you're welcome.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help with!