How to get best default settings for password generator?

Community Member
edited December 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I can't get the generator to meet most site settings. I end up writing a password in Notes and then copying in to the website and 1P! Silly. Would like upper case/lower case/number and special character, seemingly that would fit 98% of sites. DONT want a pw that goes from lower case to upper case to number, just in case I have to enter manually,bcs that requires changing the keyboard and doubles the number of keystrokes. How can this be done? Thanks for any suggestions.

1Password Version: 8.10.20
Extension Version: 2.17.1
OS Version: 12.6
Browser: safari


  • Hey @nelly2010,

    By default 1Password is set to suggest 'Smart Passwords' this means it will try to suggest a password that meets the requirements of a website that you are on.

    If you would like a password that is secure but also easier to manually type in the event that you are required to do so, I would suggest setting it to 'Memorable Password' and then using the options beneath it to add in uppercase letters and numbers. You can then set this as the default for suggestions.

    I hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions!