audit events API not returning all the aux information


According to the page the audit events objects returned by the events API should include auxiliary info like "aux_id", "aux_uuid" and "aux_info". We have been following the instructions to access the logs using python and we have logs appearing and they only include "aux_uuid" - they do not include "aux_id", "aux_details" or "aux_info" and the latter looks pretty useful.

Is there any reason we would not be receiving this data? Is it actually served at present, or is there some flag needed to return it?

Here is a sample log entry we get (redacted):
{'uuid': 'D4TM6CGK5HQSFEJPWZMVIURNFQ', 'timestamp': '2023-12-29T14:38:10.972083441Z', 'actor_uuid': '6GKGH8NIANDSPFAZKVSHYC7Q3E', 'actor_details': {'uuid': '6GKGH7NIAMDSPFAZKVSHYC7Q3E', 'name': 'Simon Jones', 'email': ''}, 'action': 'dlgsess', 'object_type': 'dlgdsess', 'object_uuid': '4KFTV7WGINAVVAXZAVVFXOSAYU', 'aux_uuid': 'MDYIAHFOBFDHPL5EUOJO7H64FA', 'session': {'uuid': 'MDYIAPFCBFDHPL5EUOJO7H64FA', 'login_time': '2023-12-29T14:38:10.868207423Z', 'device_uuid': '443xsil5zddch5k36yisjlzkey', 'ip': ''}}

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • dkleeman
    Community Member

    I can now see that if I look more carefully at the logs some few items do have the aux data I was looking for. Most do not, and I am not sure why.

  • Hello @dkleeman,

    Thanks for asking about 1Password's Events API. There are four types of properties that can appear with aux info:

    • aux_id: The identifier that relates to additional information about the activity.
    • aux_uuid: The unique identifier that relates to additional information about the activity.
    • aux_details: The details of the team member who relates to the additional information about the activity (including their UUID, name, and email address). This property is only returned for events where the additional information about an activity relates to a team member.
    • aux_info: Additional information about the activity.

    In the case of a dlgsess event, the aux_uuid field is returned with the sessions UUID. The same information is also available under the session.uuid field. The available information can vary by type of event, so be sure to account for that in your code. To see which information is returned for a given event type, refer to

    Let me know if there are any other events which may be lacking aux data and L'll be glad to review them with you.

    I hope this information helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any further questions!