Feature upvote: allow community to have centralized feature list and vote

Community Member

I see a lot of great feature requests in this lounge, and I know that there are "tons" of other suggested features in the 1Password "backlog". I know we have a "like" button here, but it would be nice to have an official "vote up" button, so everyone can vote for the most wanted features and the 1Password team can prioritize the most voted ones. For example, each registered user could have only 5 "votes" (to avoid voting up all features).

I think it's a win-win. It will also help moderators (and users) because it will avoid duplicate discussions.

What do you think?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @fernandog! 👋

    Thanks for the suggestion! Our product team doesn't implement features based solely on the number of "votes" or requests that a feature receives so a voting system would create the wrong impression about what features are going to be implemented and how quickly. While the number of requests is important, there are other factors that come into play when deciding our future roadmap.

    Most voting systems can also be gamed pretty easily, and they aren't necessarily representative of our customers since only a small proportion would participate. We find that discussion is a much better format to help us understand where 1Password currently falls short and where folks would like to see improvements and new functionality.

    We're always interested in knowing the why behind a request, not just the request itself. A "vote" for a feature usually doesn't tell us what specific problem a certain feature would solve for someone and it doesn't provide the opportunity to discuss different ways of accomplishing the same goal using current tools.
