"Received <BrowserVerificationFailed> from the native core" since most recent Update

Community Member

since the most recent release of 1Password's Chrome Extension (2.12.0 and newer) my Extension is unable to connect to the desktop App, ONLY from the Chrome Portable I use. My "normal" Chrome installation (both are Version 114.0.5735.199 (Official Build) (64-bit)) works fine, still. For debugging sake, I also tried changing to the BETA Channel of the extension build, same result though. Could this be looked into, and fixed, please?

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.9 (81009012)
Extension Version: 1Password in the browser 2.12.0 (2.13.0 as well)
OS Version: Windows 10 22H2 19045.3155
Browser: Chrome Portable


  • Hello @Trminator,

    Thank you for message. Our teams are aware aware of a memory usage problem in a recent version of 1Password for Windows. This issue led to problems with instability with the 1Password application, and integration with our browser extension in particular, for some users.

    This issue has now been resolved. To fix the issue, please check for updates and ensure you're using the latest version of 1Password for Windows: How to keep 1Password up to date

    While testing, if you disabled integration between the browser extension and the app you can re-enable that after updating:
    1. Open the 1Password desktop app.
    2. Click your account name in the upper left and select "Settings".
    3. In the Browser section, turn on "Connect with 1Password in the browser".
    4. Open your web browser.
    5. Right click on the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar and select Settings.
    6. Under the General section turn on the option "Integrate with 1Password app".
    7. Re-launch the 1Password for Windows app.

    If you have any further questions or are still seeing some issues, please let us know so we can help look in to this further.

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    I managed to get around the issue by downgrading my Desktop-App to 8.10.8 (build 81008047). I just tried going back onto the Beta Branch with the newest release being 8.10.9-12, though, and still experience the issue there, that the Chrome Portable Stable 64bit Extension is not able to connect, while the Chrome Stable 64bit Extension works fine. So, sadly, not related to the mentioned memory issue, and still a problem on the latest Version on Beta channel. I'll stick with 8.10.8 for now, until you guys can figure out what broke on 8.10.9 and following. :)

  • Hello again @Trminator,

    I'm glad to hear that you were able to resolve this issue by moving over to the latest stable version of 1Password for Windows and the browser extension.

    In the meantime, I'd like to ask you to recreate the issue and provide a couple of pieces of information that may help with the investigation:

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread: https://1password.community/discussion/141142/received-from-the-native-core-since-most-recent-update
    • Your forum username: Trminator

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here.  Thanks!

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Hey @ag_mike_d , the Support ID is [#NVC-84559-122]

  • @Trminator - Thanks for letting us know. Your message is with the team and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Just for the record: The newest (stable) release (8.10.9) ALSO breaks this way... so, I am now locked to 8.10.8 or older, until this bug gets fixed...

  • Hello @Trminator - Sorry for the continued issues. I see that the previous support ticket was reopened with your reply. The issue filed with the team continues to be investigated. The team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

    Your patience is appreciated.

    ref: dev/core/core#23060

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Any news on this?

  • Hello @Trminator,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    After looking back to this issue, it was discussed that we verify where the browser is located on the drive. So in this use case it won't work out of the box when running Chrome portable.

    It is possible that the upcoming custom browser verification may help with this. Initially this is only available for 1Password for Mac, and hope to see this in the future for other platforms.

    You can read more about it in this thread here!

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_mike_d , so, what you're saying is, I'm stuck on this by now nearly a year old version of 1Password, until MAYBE a feature currently only available on MAC gets ported to Windows? All because you're unable to fix what ever broke the access from the Portable Chrome? (It was working fine, on 8.10.8, after all ...??) ... Kind of disappointing, not gonna lie...

  • Hello @Trminator,

    Please excuse the delayed response.

    We have no further news to share about when this extended support for trusted browsers will reach Windows. Please keep an eye on the thread below for new details as they become available:

    We're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_mike_d,

    I don't really get this... the functionality was working fine in 8.10.8, so, I would consider this a regression/bug, rather than a new feature that I'd happily wait for?
    Access to the standalone App's passwords from Google Chrome portable (any version of the browser extension, even current Beta build, which I am currently using) WORKS, as long as the standalone App is Version 8.10.8 or older, but stops working with 8.10.9 or newer...
    So, yea, the "inconvenience" is that I have not been able to keep up with upgrades to the standalone app since July, 2023, and I'm sure there's some security fixes in that changelog, since then? :((

  • ag_mike_d
    edited February 1

    Hello again @Trminator,

    I do apologize for any frustration this causes and I can certainly understand how important is to keep 1Password for Windows up to date. I've passed your additional feedback along to the team by way of our tracked issue.

    Access to the standalone App's passwords from Google Chrome portable (any version of the browser extension, even current Beta build, which I am currently using) WORKS, as long as the standalone App is Version 8.10.8 or older, but stops working with 8.10.9 or newer...

    As previously mentioned, the issue here lies with the app needing to verify where the browser is located on the drive. With your current setup, this is not possible.

    The team continues to focus on extending support for trusted web browsers, which we're hoping will help long term for customers using this type of setup or other currently unsupported browsers.

    We appreciate your continued patience.

    ref: dev/core/core#23060

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Well, the Browser-Extension could just "tell" the standalone App, where it "thinks" it is located, and the App could then either ASK me, the USER, to verify, that I am running that browser, and want to access my PWs, or check on disk, on that path given? ... either way, it can be verified that the correct browser is talking to the standalone app, without involving huge amounts of development work?!

  • ag_mike_d
    edited February 2

    @Trminator - I've passed this additional feedback along to the team. Thanks again!