iOS autofill issue everywhere except safari [iOS 17.4 Beta]

Community Member
edited February 20 in iOS

User for over 4 years. Got 15 pro max a few days ago, also on apple developer beta updates.
Figured the video is easiest even though

l've seen this issue with others before on past posts but I don't see a concrete solutions (just randomly works again after restart/reinstall for some). I've done the on and off of the settings, a restart, a reinstall, l've done a full reset. My 12 pro max never had this issue. This was also the case with one of my clients who had a 13 pro max and 14 pro max. I thought it's because of 17.4 but not sure since this isn't a new issue (but maybe new for this update?)

Looks like it is specific to the 1p app itself since the 1p safari extension works just fine.

Another note that may help - the only app that works perfectly fine is discord. It even autofills 2FA without a manual paste.

1Password Version: 8.10.24
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 17.4
Browser: Any except safari


  • kcastill
    Community Member

    Came here to post the exact same issue and found this!

  • Hello @mlouka! 👋

    Thanks for reporting the issue. It looks like the iOS 17.4 beta has a bug where AutoFill won't render the "Passwords" prompt above the keyboard correctly in certain apps. Both the Cloudflare and DigitalOcean websites work properly with AutoFill in Chrome on my iPhone which is running iOS 17.3.1.

    While we've reported the issue to Apple, I encourage you to report the issue to them as well so that they're aware that you're affected.


    Are you using the iOS 17.4 beta too? I look forward to hearing from you.


  • failingbetter
    Community Member
    edited February 22

    Same issue, 17.4 Beta 3. Installing Beta 4 hoping for a fix.

    Update: fixed in Beta 4!

  • @failingbetter – Thanks for the update. We'll continue to monitor things, but as you say, it looks like it's working as expected in Beta 4 of iOS 17.4. :)