Ability to generate password from Save new Item directly (browser extension)

Community Member
edited February 19 in 1Password in the Browser


This is a feature request for adding possibility to generate a new random password when creating a new Item.

The highlighted input could have an icon on the right that will trigger password generation and suggest me a strong password.

(Interestingly, the same screen in the 1Pass desktop app does have this feature, so it's only a Chrome extension missing this functionality.)

Right now, when I am on this screen I has to generate a password manually, because there is no other way to do it.

You could say: ok, but there is a special feature Use Suggested Password popup that opens SOMETIMES on the register forms. To this there are two reasons:

  • sometimes it's not appearing at all, but I see option to Save new item instead
  • (worst case) you allow me to go through this route and then the password is not saved at all and I ended up registering WITHOUT any trace of this brand new secure password. It happened to me 3 times. I am not using this feature ever again.

Use suggested password I mean this:

But sometimes I can only see this:

And this option is much more safer for me and it would be really useful if the modal contained a way to creating a new password directly from it.

Hope it's clear and thanks in advance.


1Password Version: 8.10.24
Extension Version: 2.20
OS Version: macOS Sonoma
Browser: Chrome


  • Hey @kavenai,

    Thank you for the level of detail you have provided. I can see how this would be useful to generated the password from the save dialog after entering a username and then 'Save and fill' the password on the page similar to how 1Password works on a mobile device.

    I have put in a request with our product team on your behalf to see if this is something we can consider in a future update.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with in the meantime!

    ref: PB38396841