1Password & St George Bank, Australia.


1Password does not work with St George Bank, Australia - can anyone help?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser: Edge


  • Hello @Rusty666! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're running into trouble on the website for St. George bank. I see that our developers are aware of a couple of existing issues, so that I can confirm that you're being affected by one of those issues can you tell me the following:

    • The website address of the page where you're having trouble (do not send me your username or password, just the website address).
    • Which specific fields aren't working and whether you're trying to save or fill your login.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    ref: dev/core/core#2403
    ref: dev/core/core#1832

  • Rusty666
    Community Member

    Thanks Dave for the reply. I did ask whether there had been any progress but I did not receive a reply - hence my reposting. I will get you the information from my PC when I get home tomorrow or Thursday.

  • Thank you, I'll keep an eye out for your reply. 🙂


  • Rusty666
    Community Member


    Login page I use is

    When I attempt to login into this page 1Password does not have a Suggestion. But, when I go to 1Password, find St George and individually copy and paste the three fields that are stored the account is opened. This is a new issue - before tonight at least 1Password found the "correct" Suggestion for St George even though I had to copy and paste the password.

  • Hello there @Rusty666, I've done some testing on my end but haven't been able to recreate the issue you mentioned with 1Password not showing suggestions for this website.

    I'd like to take a closer look at the issue you're experiencing on this website. I recommend sending an email to support+forum@1Password.com so that our support team can help you.

    With your email please include:

    After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I’ll be able to locate your message and make sure it’s gotten to the right place.

    We look forward to assisting you further. 🙂


  • Rusty666
    Community Member

    Hi Evon, thanks for your reply. A couple of members have been dealing with the issue over several weeks and the development team, although I have no idea whether they have started to assess the problem, has been involved for most of that time. Initially I received very timely support but lately feedback has been limited. As I mentioned in my email the original problem was that 1Password failed to transfer all three required fields necessary to access the account. I suspect the new issue of not recognising a Suggestion could be fixed by deleting the existing one and creating a new Suggestion.

  • Hey @Rusty666, I can see that my team members have addressed the autofill problem on the St George Bank website, and our development team is investigating the issue. At this stage, I don't have any updates to share.

    However, you recently mentioned:

    When I attempt to login into this page 1Password does not have a Suggestion.

    I've not been able to re-create this behaviour on my end, and I was able to get 1Password to suggest a Login item for this website. Therefore, I'd like to take a closer look at the issue you're experiencing through email.

    If the issue you're experiencing is only related to this specific website, then you may be able to resolve it by creating a new Login item.

    I'd recommend sending us an email directly, but if you prefer to create a new Login item, here's how:

    1. Go to the website -> https://ibanking.stgeorge.com.au/ibank/loginPage.action
    2. Type in your credentials in all three fields manually - don't click logon.
    3. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar (on the top right of the web browser).
    4. Select "Save Login" and save it as a New Item.
    5. Refresh the webpage.
    6. Click on one of the fields and select the new login you just created.

    Let me know how that goes.


  • Rusty666
    Community Member

    Thanks Evon. Following your suggestion: all three correct St George login details saved as a new item, page refreshed, clicked on new St George suggestion, all three fields inserted BUT access denied with the message "One or more of the input details are invalid..." and both Security Number and Login Password fields are now blank.

  • Hey @Rusty666, thanks for your reply. I apologize for the delay in response.

    I'm wondering if this specific website requires human interaction in the fields in order to sign-in.

    After using 1Password to autofill, click in the Security Number field delete the last character and re-add it then do the same for the Login Password field. Once that's done, try to sign-in.

    Let me know how that goes.


  • Rusty666
    Community Member

    Thanks Evon, I’ll try that workaround but what’s the latest from the 1Password technical people? Have they started working on the problem? Am I the only 1Password user with this annoying issue? Russ

  • Rusty666
    Community Member

    Hi Evon, I used Autofill to complete all three login fields. I attempted to delete the last character of the two fields that you mentioned but the entire fields were deleted. So I copied and posted the correct two fields and the account opened. Russ

  • Hey @Rusty666, thanks so much for getting back to us and providing the additional information.

    I've done some further testing on my end with this specific site. I've been able to use 1Password to save the login information I entered on the bank's login page, and then fill all three fields.

    However, it looks like the website has some specific security measures in place so that any data that is autofilled into the Security Number and Internet Password field is automatically removed if you try to enter any other characters. I can see that 1Password is filling the correct fields on the page, but the data is changed outside of our control after the fill happens.

    Many banking sites (such as this one) impose password restrictions and security measures that do little to increase user security, while ultimately making it more difficult for users to rely on password managers to fill their complex passwords. We wrote an open letter to banks about this here: https://blog.1password.com/an-open-letter-to-banks/

    At this stage, I recommend copying and pasting your credentials from the 1Password extension in to the Security Number and Internet Password fields for this website. I realize this isn't the answer you were hoping for, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. While we are able to fill the Card/ Customer access number field properly (the page security measures aren't present on that field), the Security Number and Internet Password field would need to be filled in manually.

    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
