Signing into Sony using a passkey only shows a QR code

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password not working with Sony Account Login.


  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    I can confirm the issue as well. I have set up they way you have it listed, @Dave_1P , and it only pop ups the native iOS passkey selector. Have you tried it with the app or only the website?

  • Hello @Stanzilla! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're only seeing a QR code when signing into the Sony website on your iPhone. I've split your comment into a new thread so that we can have a dedicated discussion for this issue. As a first step, can you open the main 1Password app on your iPhone and confirm that you see the passkey in your Login item for Sony? If you do see the passkey and still see the issue then please try the following:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password on your iPhone.
    2. Tap your account or collection at the top of the sidebar and choose Settings.
    3. Tap AutoFill.
    4. Turn "Show filling suggestions" off and then back on.
    5. For "Show filling suggestion from" make sure that your entire account is selected and not just a collection.

    Then try to sign in to the app using your passkey again. Let me know if that works.


  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    I toggled everything off and on again and it seems to work now, a classic! thank you!

  • Dave_1P


    I'm happy that the steps helped. We have a work item open to make improvements so that these steps aren't ever needed when using a newly saved passkey. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


    ref: dev/core/core#26752