Feature Requests: add option to copy password + otp in single step

Community Member
edited March 4 in CLI


To login into our company vpn via Tunnelblick, it's required to enter the normal password + otp as one single password in the password field, which requires two times switching to 1password. Had this type of login now multiple times, in different companies, especially reg. vpns. (but also in other systems, usually in enterprise environments).

It would be great to have an option to copy a password combined with an otp in a single step, to fill out such logins. Since it's usually always the same concatenation, "password" + "otp", it should be suffice to just add an option for exactly that case. No need for special combination rules, or something like that.

Maybe this is already possible? Couldn't find something, so far.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • florianthievessen
    Community Member

    Hey, hey,

    is it somehow possible, to not just copy a concrete password or otp from an item, when filling out credentials for an application, but to just copy the item as a whole and then, when pasting to decide, what to paste exactly? So, lets say, I have an application requiring password and otp: I just copy the 1p-item, go to the applications password field, and then press for example "Option"+"Comand"+"V" to get a list of fields of the copied item, and then select the password to be filled. Then go directly to the otp field and do the same, but this time select otp to be filled.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • Hello @florianthievessen! 👋

    Thank you for the feedback! I've merged your threads together since they discuss the same topic and it's best to keep the conversation in one place.

    It would be great to have an option to copy a password combined with an otp in a single step, to fill out such logins. Since it's usually always the same concatenation, "password" + "otp", it should be suffice to just add an option for exactly that case.

    That sounds like it would be a useful feature for the apps and websites that concatenate the password and one-time password. While I can't promise anything, I've filed a feature request on your behalf. For now, you can copy the fields quickly using Quick Access which will save you from having to open the main 1Password app: Get to know Quick Access

    is it somehow possible, to not just copy a concrete password or otp from an item, when filling out credentials for an application, but to just copy the item as a whole and then, when pasting to decide, what to paste exactly?

    Once you've copied something to your system clipboard, pasting is handled by macOS and not 1Password. So any options that could be added to the paste feature would need to be added by Apple. However, you could try using Universal Autofill rather than copying and pasting to see if that will allow you to fill specific fields in the apps that you're using: Use Universal Autofill in apps and browsers on your Mac


    ref: PB-38355769

  • qw3r
    Community Member


    although it's not exactly what you need by it's easy to modify my solution for your needs:

    Here's a simple script to automate the process:

    sudo -u YourUserName /opt/homebrew/bin/op item get idOfTheItemWithTheOTP --otp

    in the script above replace YourUserName with your username and idOfTheItemWithTheOTP with the id of the item in 1Password that contains the OTP.

    (to find out the id of the item you can use the op item list command and look for the item with the OTP for the VPN.

    1. place the script to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/<name of the OVPN configuration>.tblk/Contents/Resources/password-replace.user.sh
    2. set the script to be executable (chmod +x password-replace.user.sh)
    3. next time when you connect to the VPN, Tunnelblick will ask you to save the configuration (again).
    4. Then you can tell Tunnelblick to save the username and password in the keychain, for the password use any string, as it will be replaced by actual OTP before the connection.
    5. from now on, you will prompted a challenge by 1password (touchid, or password popup, based on your preferences) to connect the Emarsys VPN.

    For your needs you might have to name the password-append.user.sh and the returned string (the OTP) will be appended to the saved password (from the keychain)

    (more on available scripts: https://tunnelblick.net/cUsingScripts.html)

    Goes without saying, but you need to have 1Password CLI installed and configured for this to work. (https://1password.com/downloads/command-line/)
    Hope it can be of help to some of you!