Chrome extension broken (3/5/24)

The Chrome extension broke yesterday.
Many people on the Chrome Web Store are reporting it.
Is there a fix coming?

1Password Version: 8.10.27
Extension Version: 2.21.0
OS Version: Sonoma 14.3.1
Browser: Chrome


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @bstark! 👋

    Thank you for reaching out. 1Password in Chrome is working well for me, can you clarify the specific issue that you're running into when trying to use 1Password in Chrome?

    Any information you can provide, such as an error message and steps to reproduce the issue, will help me understand what’s going on and work on a solution or identify if you're seeing a known issue that our developers are already working on a fix for.


  • bstark
    Community Member

    It started with a box with a frowny face ( any time a password was needed. Now the extension just crashes whenever it's loaded.

  • bstark
    Community Member

    Update: running this command in terminal seems to have fixed it:
    diskutil resetUserPermissions / id -u

    I noticed that Chrome updates were failing with Error Code:9 and that was a suggested fix.

  • Hey @bstark,

    Thank you for the update, it looks like you may have been running into an issue that was affecting users in Chrome 199 and below.

    I'm glad you were able to get things back on track, let us know if there is anything else we can help with.