Passkeys.Directory lists keepassxc in voting section, but software supports passkeys

Community Member
edited March 10 in Lounge

From what I understand lists websites that support passkeys as login mechanism.

The "Vote for passkeys support" section lists KeePassXC. They are a password manager which just added passkey support in version 2.7.7 ( Can the listing be moved to the "Passkeys supported" section?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @LosInvalidos! 👋

    Thank you for reaching out! It looks like support for saving passkeys inside of KeePassXC was introduced in 2.77 but I'm not seeing any reference to unlocking KeePassXC itself using a passkey. If I've missed that then can you point me to the relevant release/documentation on their website?

    You can read about 1Password's implementation of passkey unlock here: Unlock 1Password With a Passkey: Now in Beta

    I look forward to hearing from you.
