Is there a way to get a tag details?

Community Member
edited March 12 in Mac

I need a way to know the order in which I created a tag list for an Item, because I save a seed phrase as tags but I needed them in order, but 1pass shows the tags in alphabetical order.

So, If i can get the creation date of each tag or the ID I can sort them as I input them

1Password Version: 8.10.27
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 13.6.4
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hi @szizor,

    Thank you for contacting us!

    I can see that you've contacted us by email and that you're already communicating with one of my colleagues there. Let's continue the conversation over there, and I'll close this thread to prevent having the same conversation in two different places.


    ref: MPM-92987-272

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