Quick Access for Logins

Community Member

When using shift-cmd-space → to bring up the Quick Access (More Actions) and accessing a Login item, can we have more options to display other than username, password and OTP?

For instance I'd like to be able to have access to additional fields that I add such as certain text fields and perhaps even notes.

Mainly I'd like to be able to use Quick Access gain access to additional information without having to add the extra step of opening 1Password.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • eli.s_1P

    Hello @BBabaa

    Thank you for reaching out with your request! I can understand how sometimes you need to access more than just a username or password that you have saved in your vault.

    With 1Password's Quick Access Feature, you can use the Command+O option to open up the item in a new, smaller window without having to open the main 1Password app. This would allow you to see all the fields of an item from the Quick Access menu.

    Does this suggestion help you access the fields in the way you wanted, or would you still prefer to see the items in the Quick Access pop-up itself?

    I look forward to hearing from you!
