Scary notification: Microsoft was used to sign into ...


This pop-up appeared underneath my 1Password extension icon in Firefox.

Pretty terrifying -- I surely never want to have 1Password sign me into anything without me explicitly requesting and approving it.

Best I can tell, the pop-up didn't correspond to any action taken by me. I have multiple browser windows open, and I'm not sure if I saw this when it first appeared or if I "revealed" it when switching to another browser window.

I am not signed into Microsoft/Office/Outlook, and I do not believe I went through an explicit sign-in process for any other site today.

I see other some other users have reported this symptom, but the cause/resolution isn't clear to me.

Not sure how to repro but am happy to provide any information or follow any suggestions to help diagnose it.

1Password Version: 8.10.28
Extension Version: 2.21.0
OS Version: Win11 [Version 10.0.22631.3296]
Browser: Firefox 124.0.1


  • ag_tommy


    It could be some false positive trigger based on what happened. I'd recommend getting you into email support where the team can help direct the steps and hopefully find a cause/resolution.

    Please email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. Also, include a link to this topic to help us connect the dots.

  • captainahab
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy Thank you - done.

  • Dave_1P
    edited April 1


    Thank you! If you haven't received a reply yet then post the Support ID here (it will look something like [#ABC-12345-678]) and I'll get the ticket chased for you. 🙂
