Masked email on android

Community Member

I love one password but why such the long delay with masked emails on android? It works flawless on iOS in my experience but it's tedious to create one on and having to flip back and forth between two apps instead of it just working natively. Any idea or word on when it will be implemented

1Password Version: 8.10.28
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android
Browser: Not Provided


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @koloradokid! 👋

    Thank you for the request! Generating masked email aliases requires 1Password in the browser which isn't available for any browsers on Android but is available for Safari on iOS. I've let the team know that you'd like to see masked email aliases be supported for Android in the future.

    For the time being, you can create masked email aliases using Fastmail's web interface and then save that masked email address in a login item in 1Password: Masked Email – Fastmail


    ref: PB-39314985

  • koloradokid
    Community Member

    I hope the feature comes soon as of now it's kind of cumbersome having to flip back and forth were as on iOS it prompts you to mask your email from the start.

  • Dave_1P


    Thanks again for the feedback! While I can't make any promises, the team will look into adding masked email alias generation to 1Password for Android in the future. 🙂
