Vault sharing

Eduardo Martinez
Eduardo Martinez
Community Member

One of the new features (which sounds awesome) is Vaults, in the Welcome screen it says that you can share Vaults with other people, but it's not clear how. I found out that I can click on the arrow icon under an item's title (detail view) to share that particular item. But how do you share a whole Vault with someone?

Also, if you do share a Vault with someone, do they keep in sync with each other? like if they change a password will it update my database to the new one? Can you prevent changes?


  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    Each vault has it's own sync settings. After you create a new vault, you can open the settings (Cmd + ,) and choose to sync it using Dropbox. Then, share that particular folder with another user. Conversely, you can double click any existing agile keychain file and import it as a new vault. It is very slick.

  • Eduardo Martinez
    Eduardo Martinez
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply!, does my master db keep a copy of everything that is in my other vaults though? and once I share a vault with someone else, is updating bidirectional? (their changes and mine are auto saved...?)

  • emiel
    Community Member
    edited October 2013

    I've been experimenting with the vault sharing option. Not very intuitive… but so far I have figured it out (with help from the site, forum and twitter). I noticed you can't change the master password for a secundary vault once it is set. The vault image and colour can only changed by deleting the vault and double click on the .agilekeychain file in the Finder. This also means everyone using the 'shared vault' can set its own name, image and colour. This can be confusing…

    Extra vaults don't seem to show up on my iPad and iPhone. I'd love to be able to sync every vault to those devices!

  • face
    Community Member

    @emiel sync vaults on iPad and iPhone will be available in a next update (on iOS devices)

  • emiel
    Community Member


  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    @Eduardo Martinez

    does my master db keep a copy of everything that is in my other vaults though?

    Depending on how I am understanding the question, No. Your Primary vault will remain separate from any other vaults in 1P4.

    and once I share a vault with someone else, is updating bidirectional?

    Yes! Since the keychain file is syncing using Dropbox all other users that have access will receive any updates to the login and vice versa.

  • sovanbu
    Community Member

    When I go to the 2nd vault I created and go to the Dropbox settings it says Dropbox is already running, and there is no where for me to "sign in" under a different Dropbox account. Do box keychains have to be under the same exact dropbox account?

  • Fooligan
    Community Member


    Do box keychains have to be under the same exact dropbox account?

    From my understanding, Yes. All vaults will have to sync using the same account. But, you can sync the vault with other accounts/users at the Dropbox website using the "Invite to folder" option.

  • sovanbu
    Community Member

    @Fooligan thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for. My issue is resolved now. They definitely do need a more detailed FAQ for sharing.

  • Eduardo Martinez
    Eduardo Martinez
    Community Member

    @Foolingan actually, it seems they are not separate, according to this:

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    @Eduardo Martinez thanks for the clarification.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your help, guys! Please let us know if you have any remaining issues about this.

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